The serial number for most recent products is reported in the supplied software applications. For our hardware units, the serial number is normally on a label on the underside of the device or on a small white label next to a QR code for our interface cards. It is also provided on a label on the blue plastic cases in which units ship.
Below are specific details of how to find the serial number for many of our products.
How to find the serial number for a STAR-System device (e.g. SpaceWire-USB Brick Mk4 / SpaceWire PCIe Mk2 / SpaceWire PXI Mk2 / SpaceWire PCI Mk2 / SpaceWire Router Mk2S)?
Run the STAR-System Device Configuration application from the STAR-System section of the Start menu and the serial number is displayed in the Local Properties tab.
How to find the serial number for a software product (e.g. STAR-System for LabVIEW / SpaceWire RMAP Tester / SPARCv8 Software Development Environment)?
These products don’t have serial numbers so the serial number field should be left blank when registering them.
How to find the serial number for a SpaceWire EGSE?
Run the SpaceWire EGSE software and select Help / About from the main menu. The serial number will be displayed in the about box.
How to find the serial number for a SpaceWire Link Analyser Mk2?
Run the SpaceWire Link Analyser Mk2 software and the serial number will be displayed in the title bar of the main application window.
How to find the serial number for a SpaceWire-USB Router?
Run the Validation Software whilst the SpaceWire-USB Router is connected and select Help / About from the main menu. The serial number will be displayed in the about box.
How to find the serial number for a SpaceWire RTC Development Kit?
With the hardware and license key connected, run “STARGate USB Mode for RTC” from the “STAR SDE Support Software” section of the Start menu. The serial number will be displayed in the command prompt.
How to find the serial number for a SpaceWire-USB Brick / SpaceWire Conformance Tester / SpaceWire Link Analyser / SpaceWire IP Tunnel?
The serial number should be located on a sticker on the underside of the unit.