Efficient High Data Rate Networking Using Remote Direct Memory Access Over SpaceFibre 434.92 KB
SpaceFibre provides multi Gbit/s on-board networking for spaceflight applications. It has in-built quality-of-service (QoS); fault detection, isolation, and recovery (FDIR); and can run over electrical or fibre-optic cables. Using multiple lanes, it supports very high data rates. For example, with four lanes running at a lane signalling rate of 7.8125 Gbit/s, an overall link signalling rate of 31.25 Gbit/s is achieved. After adjusting for 8b/10b encoding and protocol overheads, this results in an approximate unidirectional data rate of 23.8 Gbit/s and bidirectional data rate of 23.1 Gbit/s.
To support such high data rates in embedded systems with minimal processor overhead, this paper presents a SpaceFibre Endpoint that uses a Remote Direct Memory Access (RDMA) approach to provide zero-copy transferring of data between user-space applications over a SpaceFibre network.
This paper first provides an overview of RDMA over SpaceFibre, then presents performance test results, and lastly describes an image transfer demonstration showing RDMA over SpaceFibre used in a real application.