STAR-Dundee’s attendance at conferences and trade shows in 2019 began with the IEEE Aerospace Conference in Big Sky Montana, which started on March 2nd. Our CTO presented a paper titled “SpaceFibre Interfaces and Architectures” on the 3rd, while at our booth we demonstrated our latest SpaceWire and SpaceFibre developments, including a new version of our SpaceFibre Router with 12 ports, and the SpaceFibre Camera, featuring a radiation-tolerant (RTG4) FPGA. Images were shown being transferred from the SpaceFibre Camera, over a SpaceFibre network, through the SpaceFibre Router, and received on a PC using the STAR Fire Mk3. The USB 3.0 interface on this unit allows the images to be received at data rates in excess of 1 Gbit/s. At the same time, a slower data feed was routed from SpaceWire to SpaceFibre and then back to SpaceWire. It is straightforward to add SpaceWire traffic into a SpaceFibre network using our SpaceFibre Router, as it offers both SpaceFibre and SpaceWire ports.
Other events where you can meet our team this year and see these great demos include:
- 20th to 22nd March, 30th SpaceWire and SpaceFibre Working Group Meeting
- 2nd to 3rd April, Paris Space Week
- 20th to 22nd May, Space Tech Expo
- 20th to 23rd May, Single Event Effects (SEE) Symposium & Military and Aerospace Programmable Logic Devices (MAPLD) Workshop
- 4th to 6th June, Data Systems in Aerospace (DASIA)
- 3rd to 8th August, Small Satellites Conference
- 18th to 20th September, 31st SpaceWire and SpaceFibre Working Group Meeting
- 24th to 26th September, UK Space Conference
- 19th to 21st November, Space Tech Expo Europe