SpaceWire RMAP Tester
The SpaceWire RMAP Tester is a software test platform that provides the means to validate SpaceWire and SpaceFibre RMAP target implementations and to test the generic functionality of any unit that relies on the RMAP protocol for its configuration and control.
The SpaceWire RMAP Tester serves two main use cases:
- Conformance Tester: the supplied comprehensive test set validates an RMAP target implementation against the RMAP standard.
- Acceptance Tester: validate the functionality of a unit under test accessible using RMAP commands. For example, the functional test of the routing table of the SpW-10X router.
The SpaceWire RMAP Tester consists of an intuitive Graphical User Interface (GUI) that allows the user to:
- select from a list of predefined RMAP test descriptions
- define custoimized tests using the integrated text editor and powerful test description language
All test results are automatically checked against pre-defined responses and any deviation from the expected response is immediately highlighted and reported in detail.
A full test set for validation against the RMAP standard, ECSS-E-ST-50-52C, is included with the SpaceWire RMAP Tester.
Product Features
Automatic RMAP conformance testing with automatic coding/decoding of RMAP fields.
Supports the complete set of RMAP functions without restriction.
Can work with non-nominal RMAP commands to trigger error conditions.
A Graphical User Interface that includes;
- a text based test editor,
- a log of executed tests,
- a progress window,
- a detailed test report linked to the test selected within the log.
Single tests can operate over a range of memory addresses.
Basic sets of tests can be defined.
Advanced sets of tests are defined using a scripting language that supports the inclusion of files, macros, loops, variables, conditions and functions such as bitwise operations.
Data can be defined using bytes or words and can be obtained from files.
XML tags and test descriptions can be linked to user defined macros.
Technical Specs
- Part Number
- Supported Platforms
Windows 11
Windows 10
- Supported SpaceWire and SpaceFibre Interface Devices (Required for use in conjunction with RMAP Tester)
STAR-System devices including:
- Predefined Test Cases
Invalid protocol ID
Incomplete header
Error end of packet
Header CRC error
Unused packet type
Invalid command code
Invalid destination key
Invalid logical address
Command rejection
Buffer space exceeded
Data CRC error
Unexpected EOP
More data than expected
Data characters in a read command
Invalid data length field
Return path address